~ 1843 & 1850 SDA Pioneer Charts on T-shirts! ~
Forgotten and now forbidden SDA Old Paths truths (Jer. 6:16).
These long-sleeved shirts are white with black printing and are very readable! Small, Medium, Large, X-LG, 2X available. 100% Cotton. Will shrink if washed. Ideal for small groups or in-home teaching! Suggested receiptless donation is $30 USD each by personal check, Postal Money Order or Paypal. Cannot send overseas, sorry. Contact me at patrick.rampy@juno.com Thank you!
Grasping the importance of what is on these charts, including the 2520, one experiences the true mystery of God.....God in you, the hope of glory. Understanding that is truly a milestone.
I can testify to this. Years ago I was at "sea" paddling in whatever direction, totally dissatisfied with Sabbath groups I had belonged to, frustrated. I was no where near the Truth but I did not know where to look to find it. Then Jesus tells me I can now study prophecy....something I had asked and begged to study with Him always saying to me: "Not now". But when? "Not now". Over and over for 10 long years.
I began the study with Jeff's DVDs and materials, reading EGW, studying the Charts and each time I grasped the significance of one element on the Charts, I can attest that I changed. The dry bones came together and when I saw the Charts in their totality (to the extent I understood at that time). He breathed His Spirit on me and I knew I belonged to Him completely, and I found what I had been looking for all my life. No other way to describe the changes. So I personally know that the charts are salvational, every word, every number, every image. Each understood, unlocks something in the soul and brings it to life...more and more life as one sees their life changing dramatically.
Only He can do the unlocking. One has to submit totally and willingly and give up any notion that salvation depends in any slight degree on self, one's "intelligence", one's personal efforts, connections, status, resources. Only total surrender unlocks, and then one sees that he/she has the pearl of great price.
Short sleeves available.
Satisfied Customer #2
Ready and able to teach the Truth!
Satisfied Customer #3
'Way cool conversation starter at Church!
1850 chart on the back.
This could be you!
Satisfied Customer #5

Show your true colors!