~ 2012 Habakkuk's Two Tables ~

Prophecy Helps ~ Home ~ * -------------------- Latest Announcements! 1. ------------------- Slide Shows: Islam's Long War, and Earth: Theater of the Universe 2. ---------------- Must Nice People Repent? 3. ----------------- Bible Symbols and Numbers 4. ------------------- Noah's Time in the Ark 5. ------------------ Moon Proves Noah's Flood 6. ----------------- Conditions in the Pre-Flood World 7. ----------------- The Bible, The Holy Spirit, and Satan, Intro. 8. ----------------- The Firm: The Universe! 9. ----------------- The Five Main Players in the Book of Revelation 10. ----------------- The 12 Tribes of Israel Today 11. ----------------- Hebrews Outline 12. ----------------- The Prophetic Experience of Job 13. ----------------- Wm. Miller's Rules of Bible Interpretation 14. ----------------- 200 Sabbaths in Acts 15. ---------------- What's the Source of Bible Prophecies? 16. ---------------- The Big Picture of Prophecy! 17. --------------- The USA in Bible Prophecy! 18. ----------------- Why the KJV Only? by Bud Alavezos 19. ---------------- The Seven Bible Tests of a True Prophet 20. ---------------- THE TIME PROPHETS CHART 21. ---------------- Time Prophets of the Bible & Now 22. -------------- Prophetic Time Lines 23. ---------------- THE PATTERN OF CHRIST CHART 24. ---------------- The Pattern of Christ Study 25. --------------- When Jesus Almost Came! 26. ----------------- The Prophetic Pattern of Great Reformatory Movements of Bible History 27. ----------------- Rome Conquers the World in 3 Steps 3 Times 28. ----------------- ROME CONQUERS IN 3's CHART 29. ----------------- THE MODERN BABYLON IN 3 PARTS CHART 30. ----------------- 666, Rev. 17, The Kingdoms of Bible Prophecy 31. ---------------- The Structure of the Aramaic Chapters in Daniel +3 Final Tests 32. ----------------- Daniel 7 and the 1260 years 33. ----------------- Daniel 8 and the Little Horn 34. ----------------- Dan. 9:24-27 Explained in Chs. 10-11-12 35. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Dennis Hokama 36. -------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. FC Gilbert 37. ---------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. David Lin 38. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Bud Alavezos 39. ----------------- Mystery of "the daily" by John W. Peters 40. --------------- Compilation of SDA Pioneer Writings on "the daily" 58p. 41. ----------------- "The Daily" in the SDA Bible Commentary on Dan. 8 & 11 42. ----------------- The 3 + 1 Pattern of the Purification of God's Church & the Unsealing of Daniel 43. --------------- 1957 Prophecy Fulfilled in 1989 44. ----------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 CHART 45. ---------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 Josiah to Cyrus CHART 46. ----------------- Dan. 11:40-45 Introduction 47. ----------------- Dan. 11 for Dummies! 48. ---------------- SDA Theologians Reject Pioneers & 1843 Chart 49. ---------------- 1843 & 1850 Charts Handout 50. ----------------- 1843 & 1850 Charts T-shirts! 51. ----------------- The Seven Churches Chart 52. ----------------- EGW on the 7 Churches and 7 Seals 53. ----------------- 7 Trumpets 54. ----------------- MIRROR TRUMPETS CHART 55. ----------------- Miller's Dream & Notes 56. ----------------- MILLERITE TIME REPEATING NOW CHART 57. ----------------- Millerite Time Repeating Now (26 pgs) 58. ----------------- The 7 Thunders are the 7 Time Prophecies between 1798 and 1844 59. ----------------- MILLERITE TIME 7 THUNDERS CHART 60. ----------------- Millerite 7 Thunders Chronology 61. ----------------- 7 Thunders by Bud Alavezos 62. ---------------- SS Snow's Midnight Cry Sermon 63. ----------------- Reply to Gene Brown's Turkey 64. ----------------- The Temple Measuring book 65. ----------------- The Two 2520-Year Prophecies, or The "7 Times" 66. ----------------- Leviticus and the "Seven Times" 67. ----------------- 2520: Nebuchadnezzar & Belshazzar 68. ----------------- The 2520 "Scattering" & Times of the Gentiles by Hiram Edson 69. ----------------- The 2520 "Mirror" 70. ----------------- 2520 Facts! 71. ----------------- 2520 Critiques & Defenses 72. ----------------- 2520 & 2300 Extreme Analysis 73. -------------- Christ's Days in the Holy Place 74. ------------- The 3 Powers from the Bottomless Pit 75. ----------------- The Number 4 in Bible Prophecy 76. ----------------- Isa Loves Muslims! 77. ----------------- Islam's Long War & etc. 78. ----------------- Islam's three WOES 79. ----------------- Islam's "East Wind" 80. ----------------- 9/11 in the Bible & E.G. White 81. ---------------- East, North and 3 Constantines 82. ----------------- Renewal of the Covenant Chart 83. ----------------- 490 Years = Probationary Time 84. ----------------- Feast Days? 85. ----------------- Conspiracy Theories? 86. ----------------- Jeff Pippenger on the Trinity 87. ----------------- 16 Questions on Bible Prophecy 88. ----------------- 60 Present Truth Quiz Questions & Answers 89. ----------------- Prophetic Keys 90. --------------- President Trump in Prophecy 91. ----------------- Time of the End magazine (52p.) 92. ----------------- The Final Rise and Fall of the King of the North. (126p.) 93. ----------------- 4 Generations of Adventism 94. ----------------- Our Royal Rights as Gods Children 95. ----------------- Prophetic Fractals 96.  --------------- Pandemic Parallels to the Sunday Law 97. --------------- Present Truth Observations from Ezekiel 98. ------------------- Present Truth Keyword Database 1995-2006 99. ----------------- 2004 Ozone Prophecy School Video Link & Speaker's Notes 100. ----------------- 2007 Idaho Meetings Speaker's Notes 101. ----------------- 2010 Prophetic Chain, Jefferson Tx, Germany 102. --------------- 2012 Habakkuk's Two Tables 103. --------------- 2013 Adventism's Visitation mini notes 104. --------------- 2014 Class & Campmeeting Notes 105. --------------- 2015 Class & Campmeeting Notes 106. --------------- 2017 Judgment of the Living Class Notes 107. --------------- The Judgment of the Living and 9/11 108. --------------- 'Country Living' by E.G. White 109. --------------- Country Living in the 1890's 110. -------------- Country Living Group Fail Story 111. ---------------- Country Living Now! 112. ---------------- Escape from the Cities Testimonies! 113. ---------------- The Cycle of Bondage 114. ---------------- "Anyway"

Click Here to View the Habakkuk's Tables Headings PDF File

Click Here to View the Habakkuk's Tables Speaker's Notes PDF File 608 pages

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                                                                    Habakkuk’s Two Tables Headings


                                                             (These studies can be viewed on Youtube)


1-5: EGW Endorses the Charts


  1. Miller’s 3 Mistakes


  1. Tarrying Time – Triumphal Entry


  1. Tarrying Time - Midnight Cry, JW & 2520


  1. EW Changed, EGW’s “daily”


  1. Islam & EGW, Trumpets, 2520


6-12: All Reformlines Parallel


  1. Tables Typified, Waymarks


  1. “Daily” & Latter Rain


  1. Millerite Waymarks, Then & Now, Oakwood Spiritual Formation


  1. Millerite Time & Cyrus’ Time, Foundations Laid


  1. 2nd & 4th Angel, Islam, Nehemiah, Elijah


  1. 3 Tests, Mystery of Iniquity, Spiritualism, False Education


  1. Lines of Miller, Cyrus, John the Baptist, Moses


13-20: Tables Typified


  1. 2 Tables = 2 Loaves


  1. Foundations Rejected


  1. 2-step Message, Eze. 37 –Islam


  1. Charts Rejected, Rev.18–Two Calls, Shut Door (body + breath = ER + LR)


  1. Rev.18 conclusion, 2 Angel’s messages = 2 Temple Cleansings, Ass = Islam


  1. 2-step Purification & Two 3-step Cleansings


  1. Israel Rejects Rest of Grace & Sabbath Rest, Num. 14:34 & Eze. 4:6


  1. Cardinal #7 & 2520, Islam, Sign = Rest, Current Rebellion


21-23: Mystery of Iniquity


  1. Mixed Holy & Unholy


  1. 7 Churches Repeat in Laodicea-Strong Delusion


  1. Judas & SDA


24-35: Line upon Line – Daniel


  1. 2 Falls of Babylon, Nimrod’s 2520, 3-steps


  1. Nebuchadnezzar - Belshazzar – Judas


  1. Dan. 4, 2 Charts, Mystery of Iniquity


     27. 3+1 in History & Now. Dan.1-3 = 3 Angels’ Msgs, Jeff’s testimony


  1. Daniel in His Lot at END. 3-step Testing Process


  1. Dan.2 = 2nd Angel, Then & Now


  1. Dan. 3 = 3rd Angel


  1. Symbols in Miller’s Dream, 7 Seals


  1. Miller’s Dream - Dirt-Brush Man


  1. Isa.7-8 = 2x 2520. Iron & Brass = Latin & Greek = our current test


    33(b). 4 Waymarks Review, 2520.


  1. Dan.1-4=1798-1840-1844-1863=1989-9/11-NSL-Jer.6:16.


  1. Dan.6= NSL

36-40: 1863


  1. Isa. 6 = 9/11, 2 Azariah’s & NSL “How Long?”


  1. Isa. 7 & First Leaders, 2520 scattering.


  1. 4th Gen., Alpha=Ahaz & James White, Jehu spirit, new church = Scattering & prophecy sealed up.


  1. Isa. 7 & 8, 742 – 1863 – today, Siloam.


  1. Isa. 7 & 22, Upper Pool, Fuller’s Field, Islam, Shebna.


      40(b). Recap, 3 tests, Begin = end, 2520, 2 classes.


41-43: 1989


  1. Indignation, Time Appointed, Time of the End, Close of Probation.


  1. Reform Movement of the 144k: From 1989 to Second Coming, the 7 Churches Repeated in Laodicea.


  1. How Long? 7 Churches in OT - NT & Laodicea, Dan. 11:40-44 = 1840 – 44.


44-65: 1989, Dan. 11:40-45


  1. Dan. 11 Overview, 1989, Ancient people show the end of the world, King of the North, Fatima.


  1. Larry King Live-Carl Bernstein (Secret Alliance), Michael + Satan, K. of N.


  1. Satanic Miracles, K. of N. dies outside Jerusalem.


  1. v.40 = 1798 - NSL, Rev. 16, 13:2, 12. Dragon given to the Beast. Long War: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon.


  1. Long War leads to rise of Islam. v. 40 applications.


  1. Eze. 37, Isa. 27:8. Resistance to the message causes the shaking. Eating the “little book”.


  1. Overflowing scourge. “Glorious Land” = USA.


  1. USA “Ships of Tarshish” & Dragon’s roles in end-time events.


    52(a/b). Millerite Time Repeats; Antiochus Epiphanes, Rome’s 3 Parts, Ensign & Escape.


  1. v. 40-45 Overview & Recap.


  1. Separation of Wheat & Tares at the NSL.


  1. The meaning of “Egypt”.


  1. “East”, Islam (4 winds) & sealing angel of Rev. 7 & 9.


  1. Latter Rain Message increases in depth & power.


  1. “horse”, “wind”, “destroyer”, Islam’s tribes.


  1. Rev. 17 & Dan. 11:40-45 parallel, “bottomless pit”.


  1. Rev. 17 continued., USA = dragon = 10 kings.


  1. From the Sunday Law to the Close of Probation.


  1. vs. 30-36, From the Pagan “daily” to Papal Rome.


  1. From Pagan to Papal, continued. At NSL the USA becomes Ahab = 1st of the 10 kings of Rev. 17.


  1. Verse – year parallel (v.40-44 = 1840-44), 2 Angels, Triple Application - (geography) - Glorious Land.


  1. Review: East & North, Islam, horse, locusts, woes. “East Wind” that breaks the ships of Tarshish.




  1. Aaron’s calf; rejecting our past miracles. Our visible SDA sins.


  1. Foolish virgins, “out of the way”.


  1. The Prophetic Chain, 2 Classes separated.


  1. (9-12-12) Disobedient Prophet dies between the Lion & Ass. Note to President TNC Wilson.


  1. Josiah, Gideon, 3-fold enemy & Review.


  1. Gideon, Our own idols, Latter Rain.




  1. True & False Foundations, Fallen Leaders, Nehemiah, Omega, EW259 “Our religion changed”.


  1. Wm. Miller chosen, but a type of those who reject 3rd Angel, 1842 chart, EW74 changed, “daily”.


  1. Millerite history repeats: 1843 chart rejected, 2520+2300, confusion, fanaticism & strong delusion at the End, “ensign” cast out, Midnight Cry & Shut Door.


  1. Omega deceptions, delusions & the 2 Charts; Two Foundations, Human reasoning = Spiritualism.


  1. Themes of Prophecy: Union of Church & State, Increasing self-exaltation, “gadal” & Kingdoms of Prophecy, Dan. 8 masculine-feminine alternation.


  1. Controversies, Glorious Land, “daily”, Antiochus Epiphanes, U. Smith’s D&R.


  1. Dan. 11:14-17 = 8:9, Egypt falls to Rome, Dan. 10:14 & Last day Rome’s 3 obstacles.


  1. Rome establishes the vision. 1863 chart = gates of Jericho.


  1. White’s loss of 2 sons in “gates of Jericho”, Tamyd-“daily”, Heidi Heiks & L.E. Froom, Ruwm-Sur, Miqdash-Qodesh.


  1. Dan. 8:11 pagan sanctuary, gadal, Ruwm, “continual”. Falling away in 508, 1842 & 1989.


  1. Pantheism, Spiritualism, Judas, False Christ, The falling away first.


  1. “Daily”, Chazon-Mareh, “How long?”, Pride.


  1. Pattern of Christ-antichrist, Alpha-Omega & “daily”, Ruwm-Sur, Miqdash-Qodesh, Chazon-Mareh, Biyn separates Chazon & Mareh visions.


  1. The two 2520 “Indignations”.


  1. 2520 Indignation as a “sign forever”, Josiah, Dan. 9:11, Gen. 49, “Gathering” only if 2520 seen as Truth.


  1. Dan. 10:7, Mareh-Marah “looking glass”, Gadal or humility. “Old paths”, Isa. 6, two “seeds” at the Sunday Law.


  1. Isa. 66 & SDA apostasy. Those that tremble at the Word are the disfellowshipped cast-outs. Comfort at Sunday Law as “ensign” is lifted up. 70 = 1260 = 2520.


  1. Isa. 30: 8-18, Old Paths (tarrying time = sprinkling = 9/11) then Pentecostal power. Prophecy Eze. 37. Lazarus’ resurrection > ass > triumphal entry.


  1. Falling away first, then false temple; Rome, Protestants, Alpha-Omega.


  1. Dan. 1-12 overview. Rev. 10 & 7BC 971. Repeat of Millerite Time a “special truth”. Rev. 11 temple, 46 years. 21MR 407 > Eat little book + incarnation – Col. 1:27.


  1. Faithful Levites w/swords in Eze. 9. Making ears tingle. Plummet = 2520. Isaiah’s sons, proof-texting.


  1. Zech. 1-6 illustrate Millerites & 144,000. Scattering of 70-1260-126 years. 2 Charts > Sunday Law > Ensign. Counting back from 1st day of 1st month & 10th day of 7th month > Apr. 19, 1844. Ezra 7:9.
