~ The Two 2520 Year Prophecies, or "7 Times" ~
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When Israel rebelled against God, the "curse of Moses" (Dan. 9:11; Lev. 26:28) came into effect.
(The "curse" is "7 times." 7 x 360 days per year = 2520 days/years of curse.)
Nebuchadnezzar was out in the grass for "7 times" under God's "indignation"....(another key word in this study). As far as Israel is concerned, the "7 times" is also called "the times of the Gentiles" and the "treading down" of God's people.
(See EGW in EW 74, where she endorsed the 1843 Chart and the SDA pioneer understanding of Daniel's "daily," also calling it the "scattering time.")
The time of cursing began at separate times (46 years apart) for the northern kingdom of Israel (Samaria), and the southern kingdom of Judah. This is well spelled-out in a series of R&H articles by Hiram Edson, beginning with January 3, 1856. http://prophecyhelps101.com/rich_text_40.html
Because of rebellion, Samaria was carried off to Assyria (the "rod of Mine anger" Isa.10:5) in 723 BC; and Manasseh, king of Judah went captive to Babylon in 677 BC.
2520 years of God's "indignation" later these two dates finish in 1798 and 1844, respectively, 46 years apart (which are also the two "desolations" of Dan.9:26).
In 1798 this "treading down" of God's people, also known as "the times of the Gentiles" and the "scattering time" that ended at the pope's capture by Napoleon's atheistic France.
In 1844 God "set his hand the second time" to gather (the "gathering time" in EW 74) His people, into the "glorious land," the United States. (Here is the Dan. 11:45 connection according to Hiram Edson's articles), and God "married" them, giving them His "name" our denominational name "Seventh-day Adventists" at that time.
The 46 year gap corresponds to the 46 days (a day for a year; Num.14:34; Eze. 4:6) when Moses was up on Mt. Sinai receiving the plans for the wilderness tabernacle; and also to when the Jews told Jesus that it took 46 years to build the temple in Jerusalem. Also there are 46 chromosomes in the human-body "temple". So, God was "building the Temple" of His Remnant Church from 1798 to 1844. Literal Israel (old covenant) was replaced by the true Spiritual Israel (the world-wide new covenant Sabbath-keeping Church), and a new prophet was provided.
The time-line charts out like this and could be called by any one of the following terms:
"Curse of Moses" "7 Times" "Scattering Time" "Indignation" "Times of the Gentiles"
|--------------------------------------2520 years---------------------------------------------|
| | |
|723 BC----------(1260 pagan)------538AD------(1260 papal)-------------1798 |
Millerite "Building Time" Begins-- | (+46 years)
| 677 BC <--------------------------2520 years------------------------------------1844
World-wide "Gathering Time" Begins->|