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Millerite History "7 Thunders" Chart
(There are actually more than 7 prophetic events that could be marked.)
Rev. 10:3, "7 Thunders" = Millerite History
1). 1st Angel Empowered...............................Aug. 11, 1840
2). 2nd Angel arrives..........................................June, 1842
3). 1st. Disappointment...............................March 21, 1844
4). Tarrying Time.............................................April 19, 1844
5). 2nd Angel's Message proclaimed.............Summer 1844
6). Midnight Cry begins...................................Aug. 15, 1844
7). 3rd Angel begins........................................Oct. 22, 1844
Daniel unsealed (8:14) {3 step purification process for Protestantism, then Millerite Adventism} Purge complete.
Thunders: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Wise understand TIME 1st Angel 2nd Angel Midnight Cry
("7 TIMES", 2300 "days") (360 "time" & 391.15 "hr,dy,mo,yr") (457 BC date)
1833 (William Miller) Aug. 11, 1840 6/42 > 4/44 Aug. 15, 1844 Oct. 22, 1844
Ottoman Empire falls Protestantism falls Holy Place Door Shut
End of 6th Trumpet/2nd Woe (Islam) into Babylon Jesus enters the Most Holy Place on the (Day of Atonement)
Millerite History Repeats
(-----------------------------------------------Rev. 10:11, "Thou must prophesy again"-------------------------------------)
Thunders: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Daniel unsealed again (11:40-45) {purification process} Cleansing climaxes
Wise understand EVENTS {"Image test"... Probation Closes for SDAs, and then the World} ... Door Shut
1989 9/11/01 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Soviet Empire falls, Islam Rises Sunday Law/Babylon fallen/Loud Cry Death Decree
(Atheism conquered) (USA conquered) (World conquered)
King of the South out of 3rd Woe Small Time of Trouble Jacob's Trouble - Armageddon
the contest for world rule. 7th Trumpet Judgment of Living Jesus leaves MHP - Jesus Comes!
1st Thunder Repeat:
Daniel unsealed, wise understand EVENTS; USSR falls (Atheism conquered), King of the South defeated, Islam rises again.
(The "Image of the Beast" test is a stealth event between the 1st and 2nd Thunders.)
2nd Thunder:
National Sunday Law marks the complete fall of Babylon. (Other Thunders follow "in their order")
3rd Thunder:
Disappointment: The NSLs progressing around the world will be quite a shock to God's people.
4th Thunder:
Corresponding "slump in activity" or a "Tarrying Time."
5th Thunder:
After recovering their wits (and receiving the spiritual power of the Latter Rain in reply to their earnest prayers), God's people begin to proclaim the fall of Babylon to the world, as the Millerites did.
6th Thunder:
The proclamation swells into the global Loud Cry, the final call to "Come out of her My people!"
7th Thunder:
Universal Death Decree, Jacob's Trouble, Jesus leaves the MHP, 7 Last Plagues, Armageddon, Jesus comes!