~ Present Truth Keyword Database 1995-2006 ~

Prophecy Helps ~ Home ~ * -------------------- Latest Announcements! 1. ------------------- Slide Shows: Islam's Long War, and Earth: Theater of the Universe 2. ---------------- Must Nice People Repent? 3. ----------------- Bible Symbols and Numbers 4. ------------------- Noah's Time in the Ark 5. ------------------ Moon Proves Noah's Flood 6. ----------------- Conditions in the Pre-Flood World 7. ----------------- The Bible, The Holy Spirit, and Satan, Intro. 8. ----------------- The Firm: The Universe! 9. ----------------- The Five Main Players in the Book of Revelation 10. ----------------- The 12 Tribes of Israel Today 11. ----------------- Hebrews Outline 12. ----------------- The Prophetic Experience of Job 13. ----------------- Wm. Miller's Rules of Bible Interpretation 14. ----------------- 200 Sabbaths in Acts 15. ---------------- What's the Source of Bible Prophecies? 16. ---------------- The Big Picture of Prophecy! 17. --------------- The USA in Bible Prophecy! 18. ----------------- Why the KJV Only? by Bud Alavezos 19. ---------------- The Seven Bible Tests of a True Prophet 20. ---------------- THE TIME PROPHETS CHART 21. ---------------- Time Prophets of the Bible & Now 22. -------------- Prophetic Time Lines 23. ---------------- THE PATTERN OF CHRIST CHART 24. ---------------- The Pattern of Christ Study 25. --------------- When Jesus Almost Came! 26. ----------------- The Prophetic Pattern of Great Reformatory Movements of Bible History 27. ----------------- Rome Conquers the World in 3 Steps 3 Times 28. ----------------- ROME CONQUERS IN 3's CHART 29. ----------------- THE MODERN BABYLON IN 3 PARTS CHART 30. ----------------- 666, Rev. 17, The Kingdoms of Bible Prophecy 31. ---------------- The Structure of the Aramaic Chapters in Daniel +3 Final Tests 32. ----------------- Daniel 7 and the 1260 years 33. ----------------- Daniel 8 and the Little Horn 34. ----------------- Dan. 9:24-27 Explained in Chs. 10-11-12 35. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Dennis Hokama 36. -------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. FC Gilbert 37. ---------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. David Lin 38. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Bud Alavezos 39. ----------------- Mystery of "the daily" by John W. Peters 40. --------------- Compilation of SDA Pioneer Writings on "the daily" 58p. 41. ----------------- "The Daily" in the SDA Bible Commentary on Dan. 8 & 11 42. ----------------- The 3 + 1 Pattern of the Purification of God's Church & the Unsealing of Daniel 43. --------------- 1957 Prophecy Fulfilled in 1989 44. ----------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 CHART 45. ---------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 Josiah to Cyrus CHART 46. ----------------- Dan. 11:40-45 Introduction 47. ----------------- Dan. 11 for Dummies! 48. ---------------- SDA Theologians Reject Pioneers & 1843 Chart 49. ---------------- 1843 & 1850 Charts Handout 50. ----------------- 1843 & 1850 Charts T-shirts! 51. ----------------- The Seven Churches Chart 52. ----------------- EGW on the 7 Churches and 7 Seals 53. ----------------- 7 Trumpets 54. ----------------- MIRROR TRUMPETS CHART 55. ----------------- Miller's Dream & Notes 56. ----------------- MILLERITE TIME REPEATING NOW CHART 57. ----------------- Millerite Time Repeating Now (26 pgs) 58. ----------------- The 7 Thunders are the 7 Time Prophecies between 1798 and 1844 59. ----------------- MILLERITE TIME 7 THUNDERS CHART 60. ----------------- Millerite 7 Thunders Chronology 61. ----------------- 7 Thunders by Bud Alavezos 62. ---------------- SS Snow's Midnight Cry Sermon 63. ----------------- Reply to Gene Brown's Turkey 64. ----------------- The Temple Measuring book 65. ----------------- The Two 2520-Year Prophecies, or The "7 Times" 66. ----------------- Leviticus and the "Seven Times" 67. ----------------- 2520: Nebuchadnezzar & Belshazzar 68. ----------------- The 2520 "Scattering" & Times of the Gentiles by Hiram Edson 69. ----------------- The 2520 "Mirror" 70. ----------------- 2520 Facts! 71. ----------------- 2520 Critiques & Defenses 72. ----------------- 2520 & 2300 Extreme Analysis 73. -------------- Christ's Days in the Holy Place 74. ------------- The 3 Powers from the Bottomless Pit 75. ----------------- The Number 4 in Bible Prophecy 76. ----------------- Isa Loves Muslims! 77. ----------------- Islam's Long War & etc. 78. ----------------- Islam's three WOES 79. ----------------- Islam's "East Wind" 80. ----------------- 9/11 in the Bible & E.G. White 81. ---------------- East, North and 3 Constantines 82. ----------------- Renewal of the Covenant Chart 83. ----------------- 490 Years = Probationary Time 84. ----------------- Feast Days? 85. ----------------- Conspiracy Theories? 86. ----------------- Jeff Pippenger on the Trinity 87. ----------------- 16 Questions on Bible Prophecy 88. ----------------- 60 Present Truth Quiz Questions & Answers 89. ----------------- Prophetic Keys 90. --------------- President Trump in Prophecy 91. ----------------- Time of the End magazine (52p.) 92. ----------------- The Final Rise and Fall of the King of the North. (126p.) 93. ----------------- 4 Generations of Adventism 94. ----------------- Our Royal Rights as Gods Children 95. ----------------- Prophetic Fractals 96.  --------------- Pandemic Parallels to the Sunday Law 97. --------------- Present Truth Observations from Ezekiel 98. ------------------- Present Truth Keyword Database 1995-2006 99. ----------------- 2004 Ozone Prophecy School Video Link & Speaker's Notes 100. ----------------- 2007 Idaho Meetings Speaker's Notes 101. ----------------- 2010 Prophetic Chain, Jefferson Tx, Germany 102. --------------- 2012 Habakkuk's Two Tables 103. --------------- 2013 Adventism's Visitation mini notes 104. --------------- 2014 Class & Campmeeting Notes 105. --------------- 2015 Class & Campmeeting Notes 106. --------------- 2017 Judgment of the Living Class Notes 107. --------------- The Judgment of the Living and 9/11 108. --------------- 'Country Living' by E.G. White 109. --------------- Country Living in the 1890's 110. -------------- Country Living Group Fail Story 111. ---------------- Country Living Now! 112. ---------------- Escape from the Cities Testimonies! 113. ---------------- The Cycle of Bondage 114. ---------------- "Anyway"

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Most of the Newsletters in PDF can be viewed or downloaded from FutureforAmerica.org.


Future for America newsletters subject timeline.               Cassette tapes subject timeline

                                                         (some dates approximate)


                                                                                                Sept. 1995, Calistoga meetings 1-5

                                                                                                1. "Information Overload"

                                                  (The distraction of Adventism in the 1950s and 1960s. Overwhelming surprise.)

                                                                                                2. "The Prophetic Catalyst"

(The fall of the USSR could have been predicted and given power to the SDA message.                                     Millerite experience to be repeated.)

                                                                                                 3. (missing)

                                                                                                 4. "Boiling the Frogs"

                                                                    (The distraction of Adventism during the ‘70s, ‘80s & now.)

                                                                                                5. (missing)


                                                                                                June 1996, North Hill meetings 1-3

                                                                                                1. "Daniel's Three Walls"

                                                                                                    (Dan. 11 overview)

                                                                                                2. "Image of the Beast"

                              (Dan. 11:40-45, Rev. 13:11-18, Rev. 16:13-16, Rev. 17:1-6. New Age Spiritualists and the U.N.)

                                                                                                3. "Revelation 17"

                                                                                                   (7 kings, 10 kings, 7BC983, GC 440.)


                                                                                                July 1996, Eatonville Campmeeting

                                                                                                1. "Babylon: The History of the Mystery"

                                         (Masons, Knights-Templars, Illumatti, Economic domination. UL277, Rev. 12-18)

                                                                                                2. "Frog of the Fortress God"

                                                                                        (Catholicism: Mary = Semiramis. Apparitions)

                                                                                               3. "The Miraculous Deception"

(Apostate Protestantism. ‘Back-to-God'   movement in USA. Catholics dominate politics. Survey of Christians. ‘Toronto Blessing"-holy laughter.)

                                                                                               4. "The Buffalo Frog"

                                              (Spiritualism & Dragon, ‘New-Age Pantheism' to dominate world governments.)


"Time of the End" magazine published (?)                           Sept. 1996, Angelus Oaks meetings 1-4

                                                                                                1. "Daniel 11, pt.1"

                                                     (Overview, Dragon-Beast-False Prophet. Papacy's 3 Walls to overcome;

                                                                               1) USSR/Berlin Wall, 

                                                                               2) Wall of Separation of Church & State in the USA,

                                                                               3) Wall of national sovereignty-U.N.)

                                                                                                 2. "Daniel 11, pt.2"

                                                                   (Dragon-Beast-False Prophet: History and identification.)

                                                                                                3. "The Mark of the Beast"

                                                      (NSL closes probation on SDAs before the world. The 3 Tests for SDAs.)

                                                                                                4. "The Great Test"

                              (The beginning of the Image in June, 1995; Christian Coalition sweeps Congress.)

April 1997

Report on South America meetings.

                                                                                                "Purification of God's Church" series 1-3.

Vol. 1, #1 (missing)                                                                                       The Forgotten Truths

Vol. 1, #2 (missing)                                                                                       The Last Work

Vol. 1, #3 (missing)                                                                                       The Shut Door


                                                                                                "God's Denominated People" series 1-4.

                                                                                                Daniel's "daily"

                                                                                                The Time of the End

                                                                                                The End of the Days

                                                                                                The City Which the Lord did Choose


Vol. 1, #4, Nov. 1997

Timelines news items (Latin Catholicism, Pensacola Pentecostalism).



Vol. 2, #1, Jan. 1998

Timelines news items (Disney spiritualism).

 J.Pippenger article on the Religious Freedom Amendment.


            (No Feb. issue)


Vol. 2, #2, March 1998

Denise Matlean Editorial & article on anti-pope Oregon billboard.

Timelines news items (United Nations Religions, Homosexuality in the news).

El Nino weather disasters in the USA.

                                                                                                                        Tape Series offered for sale:

"Purification of God's Church" 1-9

"God's Denominated People" 1-5

"The Final Rise & Fall of the King of the North" 1-10

"Rev. 16" 1-6

"The ‘Daily'" 1-4

"The Prophetic Pattern" 1-8


Vol. 2, #4, May 1998

Timelines news items (Lord's Day Alliance, GMO's are Here).

J. Hohnberger article on Country Living.


Vol. 2, #5, June 1998                                                                                      "Time Setting" series 1-2.

Timelines news items (Senate Lauds 10 Commandments).                                     No New Message

EGW quotes on Medical Evangelism

J. Hohnberger article on Fatherhood.


Vol. 2, #6, July 1998                                                                                      Is 1844-The Time of the End?

Philippine evangelism report.


Vol. 2, #7, August 1998                                 "Final Rise and Fall of the King of the North" published (?)

Ecuador evangelism report.

S. Spencer article on Spiritualism.

Alane Waters article on child-raising.

Timelines news items (Ch. & State at School, comment on Dies Domini).


Vol. 2, #8, September 1998                                                                                        "The Prophetic Experience"

EGW article, SpT-Series B, #2, p.5-11                                                                      (kingly power in the home)

Tom Waters article on evil surmising.

Timelines news items (GOP ties to Evangelicals).

Amazing Facts comments on Dies Domini.

Jeff's article on the Religious Freedom Amendment & Dies Domini.

S. Spencer article on the Coming Economic Crisis


Vol. 2, #9, October 1998                                            "Those Things Which Have Been Will be Repeated" 1 of 5

South American evangelism report                                                                           Setting the Premises

EGW articles on Praying for the Sick                                                                                   (comments on Dies Domini)

T. Spencer article, "Cleansing the Body Temple".

David Lin, "China Tales Worth Telling excerpt.

Timelines news items ( ICC = Global Tyranny).

A.Waters article, "My Need of a Saviour"


Vol. 2, #10, November 1998                                                                                      "Those Things" #2,

Jeff's article, "13 Months!" (to Y2K)                                   (Mt. 24 & 25 to NSL,. Shut Door & Character)

EGW article on Drug Medication, HR, Sept. 1866.

D. Lin, "Promises to the Overcomer".

Timelines news items (Hurricane Mitch slays thousands).


Vol. 2, #11, December 1998                                      "Those Things" #3, (10 Virgins, 3-fold Union at the End)

Overview of the year Mission Report.

EGW article, "The Righteousness of Christ", pt.1, R&H 8-19-90.

David Lin, "China Tales Worth Telling" excerpt.

Timelines news items (National I.D. Card).

EGW, "Exercise for Invalids", Health Reformer, 6-21-68.



Vol. 3, #1, January 1999                                            "Those Things" #4, (3+1 Combination, 3 Tests, Low Piety)

(Short issue during move to TN.)

EGW article, "The Righteousness of Christ", pt.1, R&H 8-26-90.


Vol. 3, #2 February 1999                                                                               "Those Things" #5,

Report Re: Move to Tennessee.                                             (Modern National Reformers = Christian Coalition)

EGW, "The Church at Ephesus", R&H 5-31-87

David Lin, "China Tales Worth Telling" excerpt.

EGW, "Convenient Food", Health Reformer, Dec. 1870

Letters & Timelines news items (Conflict in Angola).

Melissa Lindberg article: "Keeping it Simple"

Anonymous article Re: Immunization of Children


Vol. 3, #3 March 1999                                                           "The Crowning Act" #1 of 4 (The Millennium)

Stephen Spencer, St. Louis literature distribution report.

EGW, "Losing Our First Love", R&H 6-7-87

Letters & Timelines news items (Female Pastors in Finland).

Charles Fitch article: "Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You", part 1.

Ken Raggio article: "Y2K Alert!"


Vol. 3, #4 April 1999                                                                                     "The Crowning Act" #2

EGW, "Courage in the Lord", GCB 4-27-13, p.164.             (Catholicism ready to accept Satan as Christ)

C. Fitch: "Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You", part 2.

EGW, "Will Power", Health Reformer, January 1871

Letters & Timelines news items (Pope stars in music video).

Denise Matlean article; "Perilous Times".


Vol. 3, #5 May 1999                                                               "The Crowning Act" #3 (Colombia Earthquake)         

EGW, "Practical Christianity", R&H 1-28-04

David Lin, "China Tales Worth Telling excerpt.

Charles Fitch, "Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You", part 3.

EGW, "An Appeal to Parents", Country Living, p.12-17

Report & Testimony Re. Colombia Earthquake


Vol. 3, #6 June 1999                                                               "The Crowning Act" #4 (Mary's Message)

EGW article, "An Appeal to Parents" (Country Living, p.12-17)

Timelines news items (SDA's promote "Religious Liberty Protection Act" bill).

D. Lin article, "The Geographical Extent of End-Time Scenarios", pt.1.


Vol. 3, #7 July 1999   (Title change to Future News)

J. Pippenger article: Catholic plan to evangelize SDA's.

Letters & Timelines news items (Vatican & Lutherans end dispute).

Report on Philippine evangelism.


Vol. 3, #8 August 1999                                                                      Eld. Roland Hegstad on Dies Domini;

Report on Colombia mission.                                                            "You Decide- Quick to Hear,   Slow to Speak"

Testimony Re. Bonnerdale, AR property.                             (There's no need to revise our prophetic schema)

Letters & Timelines news items (School Voucher wars).

J. Pippenger article: Colombia Christians Suffer

Secular University Missions Appeal


Vol. 3, #9 September 1999                                                                 J56 "The Overflowing Scourge" #1 of 5

Ministry Update (Setting up Bonnerdale property)  (Miller's Dream)

Letters & Timelines news items (RLPA passes House, Lutherans approve communion w/Episcopalians).

Questions & Answers by Jeff.

Pat Rampy article: "Who Then Can Be Saved?" (12 Tribes, part 1)


Vol. 3, #10 October 1999                                                       J57 "The Overflowing Scourge" #2, (Scornful Men)

Ministry & travel plans.                                                                                 (Will Ross-EGW Windstorm Vision)

Ross-EGW "Windstorm Vision"

J. White interprets Miller's Dream in "The Present Truth"; Oswego, NY, May 1850.

Timelines news items. (Earthquakes/Volcanoes)


Vol. 3, #11 November 1999                                                                           J58 "The Overflowing Scourge" #3

Editorial by Jeff Pippenger & bookstore price list.                                      (Terrible as an Army with Banners)


Vol. 3, #12 December 1999   (Jan. 2000 cover)                                            J59 "The Overflowing Scourge" #4

Ministry Update & Letters                                                                             (They Err in Vision)

P. Rampy article: "Who Then Can Be Saved?" (12 Tribes, part 2)

Timelines news items (Vatican & Lutherans end 482-year divide. School voucher issue heats up).



Vol. 4, #1 January 2000                                                                                 J60 "The Overflowing Scourge" #5

Ministry report (literature work & travel plans).                  (Which Shadow?) [of protection are they under?]

P. Rampy article, "The Future of Science and Religion"

Timelines news items (Continuing RLPA & Voucher wars).

EGW, "Never Leave a Soul Unwarned", Battle Creek Letters, 122-128.


Vol. 4, #2 February 2000                                                                               J61 "Gideon's Torch" #1 of 6

Ministry Update & Letters.                                                                                                    (The Setting)

Timelines news items, (Mary's Prophecy-good Pope & bad Pope at end of world)

EGW, ST June 23, 1881, "Gideon Called"


Vol. 4, #3 March 2000                                                                                               J62 "Gideon's Torch" #2

Ministry Update (Conditions in Colombia)                                                              (Least in my Father's House)

Article: "Reformation Undone"

News items, (Fatima's "Warning", Climate Change) & Letters.

EGW, ST June 30,1881 "Gideon Called-A Test of Faith"


Vol. 4, #4 April 2000                                                                                                 J63 "Gideon's Torch" #3

                                                                                                                                                (The Cleansings)

Jeff Pippenger: "Allopathic Medicine, the Prepared Temptation for Seventh-day Adventists"

News items, (Papacy's growing power)

EGW, ST July 14, 1881 "Victory at Last"


Vol. 4, #5 May 2000                                                                                                   J64 "Gideon's Torch" #4

Ministry Update (Philippines Crusade).                                                                                (The Loud Cry)

News items, (Southeastern Calif. Conf. "Ordains-Commissions" women pastors)

EGW, ST July 21, 1881 "A Wise Reply"


Vol. 4, #6 June 2000                                                                                                   J65 "Gideon's Torch" #5

News items (House leader pushes for religion rights)                                                          (A Wolf & A Raven)

J.N. Loughborough article: "Questions on the Sealing Message"


Vol. 4, #7 July 2000                                                                                                   J66 "Gideon's Torch" #6

Project Updates.                                                                                             (Wandering in the Wilderness)

News items, (Catholic U.N. Victory)


Vol. 4, #8 August 2000                                                                      J67 "The Hour of Adventism's Visitation"

Ministry Update (Philippine letter).

Editorial by Pat Rampy, "The Catholic Mind"

News items, Letters & Responses by Jeff, "When is it time for Reformers to leave the Church?"


Vol. 4, #9 September 2000                                                                             J68 "Judgment of the Living" #1 of 4

Ministry Update (Canada meetings).                                                             (The Progression of the Judgment)

News items (Globalization)

EGW, R&H September 10, 1903 "The Work Before Us"


Vol. 4, #10 October 2000                                                                               J69 "Judgment of the Living" #2

Jeff endorses "Ecclesiastical Megalomania"                                                                                    (The Ten Virgins)

Article by Steve Ferrell, "The Un-American United Nations"

Endorsements Re. the book "Ecclesiastical Megalomania"

Letter Re. the "Home Church" movement and Jeff's Response.

EGW, 21MR 285-288, Re. Diet Reform.


Vol. 4, #11 November 2000                                                                           J70 "Judgment of the Living" #3

Ministry Update (Australia meetings & literature work).                                                    (The Refreshing)

News items (Queen & Pope discuss "Christian Unity").

Article: "Our Lady of Fatima"

Article: "Who Owns the Capital?"

Article: "Congress Bows to WTO Mandate"

Article: (Science Clones Endangered Ox Species)

Book offer: "Assurance, Yes, but of What?"


Vol. 4, #12 December 2000                                                                           J71 "Judgment of the Living" #4

Ministry plans                                                                                                            (Rightly Dividing the Word)

Book review: "Papal Sin: Structure of Deceit"

News items (CUC is "NOT Pervasively Sectarian", Mad Cow & More)

David Lin article: "Two Big Enigmas", Dan. 8:14, Antiochus Epiphanes.



Vol. 5, #1 January 2001

Mad Cow, David Lin article: "Focus on 1844", Dan. 8:14, Heb. 9:8, Heb. 9:12


Vol. 5, #2, February 2001

Constitution, covenant, national ruin,  Medical missionary, remedy, food allergy, UN, Globalization, Virgin Mary, Left Behind, Religious Right, Islam, Congress, Homosexual, Catholic Church


Vol. 5, #3 March 2001

Philippine evangelism report, Office of Faith-Based Programs, Wall of separation, Supreme Court, Ecumenical, faith-based, 5T 713-718, Watchmen, John Paul II, Vladimir Putin


Vol. 5, #4, April 2001

Television, guns, volume 9, Terrorism, bin Laden, violence, Mary, Rome, ecumenism, Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant, Presbyterian, Baptist, Babylon, mad cow, genetically modified


Vol. 5, #5, May 2001


Philippines, Ukraine, disfellowshipped, US Supreme Court, Sunday, environment, David Lin, cleansing, earthquake, flooding, volcano, Ebola, Seven Times


Vol. 5, #6, June 2001

Ecumenical, AIDS, HIV, mad cow, United Nations, rainbow, Faith-Based, Orwell, Rome, apologies, volume 9, Colson, Neuhaus, Robbins, Babylon, literal before, virgins,  Sunday law


Vol. 5, #7, July 2001

Philippines, ecumenical, papal primacy, Robbins, AIDS, Ebola, David Lin, Matthew 12:38, Wednesday crucifixion, Jonas, Judas, Zechariah


Vol. 5, #8, August 2001

Faith-Based, trade union, Orwell's 1984, Sunday, judgments, every country, Sabbath, Protestantism, Pope John Paul II, CUC, Putin, Ukraine, Anglicans, Lutherans, International Criminal Court, ICC, education, schools, conscience, Mary, decisive, character


Vol. 5, #9, September 2001

Philippines, present truth, close of probation, crisis, Joel 3:9-10, Moslem, Muslim, rights, Protestantism, judgments, Sunday law, volume 5, truth, Robbins, Bin Laden, Genesis 16:11, eleven, volume 9, last pope, AIDS, David Lin, character, eternal fire


Vol. 5, #10, October 2001

No October newsletter.


Vol. 5, #11, November 2001

Judgments, Ukraine, Moslem, September 11, Genesis 16:11, terrorist, watchmen, day of the Lord, Harry Potter, Malachi 4:6, sex trade, Supreme Court, Bible, Islam, mad cow, China, Vatican


Vol. 5, #12, December 2001

Philippines, events, Ukraine, terrorist, United States, volume 8, 307, bio-terrorism, volume 1, 258, United Nations, war, Revelation 13:13, New World Order, FEMA, ID, surveillance, Patriot Act, Congress, 592, volume 9, 13, September 11, country living, second and fourth, Zechariah, new light, ecumenism, ecumenical, apologies, television, time of the end, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4




Vol. 6, #1, January 2002

Philippines, present truth, freedom, Muslims, terror targets, Church-State, Christian Coalition, Daniel 8:25, New World Order, Vatican, National Identity Cards, ecumenical, Mary, television, Ps. 101:3, budget, Islam, David Lin, Sanctuary, Daniel 8:14, counterfeit, 1844, Congress, prophecy, Miller, Bible, voucher


Vol. 6, #2, February 2002

Luke 21:34-36, Daniel 12, Hosea 4:1-6, reapplication, 1843 chart, Clovis, 508, 1290, 1335, "daily", pioneers, Early Writings 74, Marion Berry, literal, Miller's Rules, Testimonies to Ministers, 55, Selected Messages, book 2, 110-113, Evangelism, 199, strong delusion, prophetic periods, Selected Messages, book 2, 102, new light, paganism



No March newsletter

Vol. 6, #3, April 2002

Genesis 16:11-12, UN, Revelation 16:13, Revelation 17:13-14, national ruin, globalization, Revelation 13:12, sovereignty, faith-based, last movements, Constitution, Executive Orders, Great Controversy, 592, Sunday laws, Last Day Events, 174, vouchers, Muslim, Zephaniah 1:12, foundations,  Great Controversy, 588, Desire of Ages, 635, Dies Domini, Medical Ministry, 27, drugs, remedies, sanitariums, Amos 8:11, famine, wall of separation, September 11, Great Controversy, 566, USDA, FDA, Mary, cities, Last Day Events, 174, AIDS, arouse


Vol. 6, #4, May 2002

Adventist, Zerubbabel, Selected Messages, book 2, 380, Protestant, terrorism, terrorist, Revelation 13:12, Revelation 13:13, Revelation 11:18, China, freedom, Immigration, security, four winds, civil rights, Sunday, trade unions, ecumenical, milk, cancer, remedies


Vol. 6, #5, (May, second edition) 2002

Philippines, Sunday, Revelation 13:16-17, Moslem, Uriah Smith, Daniel 11:36, literal, "daily", arouse, Early Writings, 74, Daniells, papal, Revelation 13:11-18, Daniel 11:45, pioneers, foundations, new light, papacy, Isaiah 26:20, Daniel 7:25-26, Revelation 13:12, Great Controversy, 592, arouse


Vol. 6, #6, June 2002

Daniel 8:10, "daily", four winds, Antiochus Epiphanes, Daniel 11:24, Daniel 8:12, Early Writings, 74, Daniel 11:45, king of the north, Daniel 11:44, Daniel 12:1, the time of the end, 1798, 1844, terrorists, crisis, Prophets and Kings, 537, ICC, sovereignty, Matthew 10:22, Daniel 11:36, Daniel 8:4, pioneer, Daniel 11:10, literal, Babylon, paganism, Pergamos, Daniel 8:11, Revelation 17:5, Revelation 13:2, Daniel 11:45, David Lin, spiritual, 1 Corinthians 15:45, new light, present truth


Vol. 6, #7, July 2002

King of the north, Daniel 11:45, Uriah Smith, "daily", Daniells, Daniel 11:30, Daniel 7:8, Clovis, little horn, Daniel 10:21, Daniel 12:1, Romans 11:17, sanctuary, Daniel 8:13, "the glorious land", Early Writings, 258, platform, trumpets, 1840, Great Controversy, 334, foundation, ID, terror, freedom, Great Controversy, 590, national ruin, Muslim, Moslem, Islam, Seventh-day Adventists, HIV, milk, FDA, Bin Laden, Revelation 13:12, UN, Great Controversy, 615, David Lin, present truth, Hebrews 9:12, Romans 8:30


Vol. 6, #8, August 2002

Philippines, Moslem, Muslims, terrorists, crisis, volume 9, 13, volume 1, 259, explosives, cities, USDA, Great Controversy, 590, Sodom, faith-based, Great Controversy, 588, ICC, United Nations, Babylon, sovereignty, voucher, liberty, Supreme Court, church and state, Great Controversy, 445, Revelation 13:11, Sunday law, image, Great Controversy, 563, Rome, Protestants, volume 5, 451, watchman, volume 5, 714


Vol. 6, #9, September 2002

Philippines, foundations, wall of separation, Jesuit, conscience, Great Controversy, 564, Great Controversy, 442, crisis, Great Controversy, 592, temporal prosperity, vouchers, 1260, 1290, 1335, the scattering, Early Writings, 75, Daniel 12:4, literal, Sunday law, Great Controversy, 612, volume 5, 451, close of probation, terrorist, ICC, sovereignty, modern Israel, Daniel 9:24, Matthew 23:37, Revelation 7:2, Muslim, Moslem, Genesis 16:11-12, Revelation 9, Isaiah 49:12, Christendom, Last Day Events, 131, Daniel 11:41, glorious land, Jeremiah 3:18, conscience, Maranatha, 193, national ruin, Protestantism, United States


Vol. 6, #10, October 2002

Philippines, Moslems, Revelation 9, Islam, Revelation 13:11, Protestants, USA, pagan Rome, Bin Laden, ruin, Great Controversy, 614, Constitution, Seventh-day Adventists, Maranatha, 217, terrorism, Mark 13:34, Revelation 13:12, Revelation 13:16, Isaiah 59:14, Great Controversy, 586, Great Controversy, 592, America, ICC, volume 1, 259, temporal prosperity, trades unions, Last Day Events, 116, Sunday laws, vouchers, terrorist, Genesis 16: 10-12, arouse, volume 5, 714, present truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:3


Vol. 6, #11, November 2002

Philippines, Christian Coalition, Islam, separation of church and state, counterfeit, Great Controversy, 464, Sunday law, Matthew 23:37, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, close of probation, present truth, Babylon, volume 5, 214, virgins, glorious land, Hiram Edson, Daniel 11:41, 2520, Seventh-day Adventist, volume 9, 125, Protestantism, Great Controversy, 590, temporal prosperity, Revelation 13:11, United Nations


Vol. 6, #12, December 2002

Philippines, Hiram Edson, pioneer, foundations, present truth, David Lin, choose, choice, chose, prophecy, Desire of Ages, 798, ICC, sovereignty, globalists, UN, Revelation 13:15, volume 6, 18, Islam, Protestantism, Muslim, Moslem, Great Controversy, 592, Sunday, separation of church and state, 666, confused, D.M. Canright



Vol. 7, #1, January 2003

Philippines, volume 4, 294, AIDS, HIV, "daily", paganism, Daniells, present truth, 1989, Daniel 11:40-45, Protestantism, glorious land, UN, Mary, ecumenical, terrorists, Daniel 8, Daniel 9:23, literal, Revelation 11:2, Luke 21, 1260, 1798, antichrist, pioneers


Vol. 7, #2, February 2003

Philippines, futurism, present truth, cities, volume 5, 451, Great Controversy, 590, faith-based, Sunday, temporal prosperity, crisis, Revelation 13:12, terrorists, Islam, Revelation 11:18, "daily", literal, UN, Revelation 17, atheism, U. Smith, Daniel 11:44, martyr


Vol. 7, #3, March 2003

Catalog, ruin, war, history, "daily", Revelation 16, crisis, volume 5, 714, Early Writings, 36, Mary, paganism, Sunday, virgins


Vol. 7, #4, April 2003

Arouse, heresies, reapplying, volume 8, 33, seven trumpets, surveillance, volume 9, 13, US, crisis, war, Protestants, Great Controversy, 563, Jesuit, hate crime, liberty, loud cry, Wicca, sovereignty, globalism, Revelation 13:12, United Nations, wall, Revelation 17:13, national ruin, literal, pioneers, Daniel 8:11, vision, Revelation 11:1, volume 5, 708, time setting, Great Controversy, 457, time of the Gentiles, Great Controversy, 410, Daniel 12:7-12, "daily", Early Writings, 74-75, 1798, 508, 1843, blessed, procession, Miller,1260


Vol. 7, #5, May 2003

Reapplying, probation, progressive, her example, volume 6, 18, sealed, sealing, mark, decree, volume 5, 214, prophecy, 1843 chart, charts, new light, Simpson, literally, be repeated, promise, Testimonies to Ministers, 55, history, delineation, literal, terrorism, Protestant, Great Controversy, 592, democracy, Great Controversy, 590, faith-based, church and state, ruin, unions, present truth, United Nations, Revelation 17:13, UN, Vatican, Jesuit, John Paul, Canada, Muslim, Islam, Matthew 15:8, Revelation 16:13, Babylon, Zephaniah 1, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 18:1, Sunday, loyal, asleep, watch, warning


Vol. 7, #6, June 2003

Philippines, Ukraine, Romania, volume 9, 13, reapplying, Miller, rules, literal, voucher, faith-based, Zionist, mad cow, Great Controversy, 592, 1984, Revelation 13:11, Fatima, John Paul, volume 7, 182, Mary, Great Controversy, 580, David Lin, Daniel 7:26-27,  little horn


Vol. 7, #7, July 2003

David Lin, reapplying, Daniel 11:40-45, "push", Egypt, Protestant, Great Controversy, 564, Great Controversy, 581, dragon, ten kings, church and state, United Nations, volume 7, 182, Revelation 17, Revelation 13:2, Daniel 8:7, Revelation 13:12, military, "power", "authority", "seat", "daily", 1798, probation, Daniel 10:14, arouse, 2Thessalonians 2, robbers, Daniel 11:31, Mary, atheism, USSR, crisis, antichrist, Fatima, Moslems, 1989, Jesuit, mass, Jeremiah 6:16, volume 8, 296, woes, Revelation 8:13, Revelation 20, Revelation 9, Isaiah 28:16


Vol. 7, #8, August 2003

Malaysia, Germany, London, Romania, reapply, Marvin Moore, Bacchiocchi, antichrist, Sabbath, diet, pioneers, trumpets, delineation, Daniel 8:23, Babylon, A.D. 70, Great Controversy, 36-37, prophecy, Isaiah 28:9, repetition, history, "order", 2 Peter 1:20,  waymarks, platform, foundations, 1840, Great Controversy, 334, "woes", HIV, Maranatha, 216, terrorists, great lines of travel, Maranatha, 37, Revelation 13:11-12, UN, Revelation 13:13, Great Controversy, 592, obesity


Vol. 7, #9, September 2003

1929, prophecy, ministers, shepherd, unity, two classes, two groups, volume 6, 129, Christian Coalition, national ruin, Malachi, Hosea 4:6, purification, process, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, teach, foundation, Matthew 25, present truth, volume 7, 27, last message, weigh, Seventh-day Adventist, Babylon, Revelation 3:19, Great Controversy, 590, Country Living, 21, pioneer, trumpets, Maxwell, Arian, horns, glorious land, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Ephesians 5:6-10


Vol. 7, #10, October 2003

Muslims, Islam, Malaysia, Rome, Great Controversy, 580, UN, Revelation 17:13, Revelation 18:3, bond of union, unity, sovereignty, Great Controversy, 592, Protestantism, democracy, Vatican, freedom, Ten Commandments, enforcing, voucher, Revelation 11:18, Supreme Court, ICC, UN, spiritualism, Vatican, principle, apostasy, Church and State, Nimrod, HIV, Sabbath


Vol. 7, #11, November 2003

Malaysia, shaking, Muslim, gospel, volume 5, 681, volume 5, 93, speculate, speculation, volume 2, 437, London, Germany, Chile, Venezuela, Romania, Martin Luther, non-Adventist, higher education, secularism, Moslem, Islamic, national ruin, temporal prosperity, Great Controversy, 590, victory, China, John Paul, Mary, principle, Constitution, Protestant, volume 5, 451, conscience, Great Controversy, 592, UN, spiritualism, Great Controversy, 588, the dragon, antichrist, frogs, national police force, David Lin, Daniel 11:45, glorious holy mountain, Isaiah 2:2, king of the north, Sunday worship, between, volume 8, 94, volume 9, 234, Ethiopia, Lybia, Libya, Egypt, plagues, glorious land, Daniel 11:42-43, Revelation 17:11, Revelation 13:16, context, desolations, the daily, paganism, host, little horn, Daniel 11:31, sanctuary, 2300, Daniel 8:14, "vision", pagan Rome, 360, "time appointed", 1798, 1989, Daniel 11:38, 1917, Fatima, Holy Alliance, Communism, atheism, Revelation 13:12, deadly wound


Vol. 7, #12, December 2003

Malaysia, Germany, Chile, Venezuela, TV, United Nations, labor unions, Vatican, Ten Commandments,

Christian Coalition, Congress, amendment, Protestantism, Sunday, Sabbath, FDA, USDA, Seventh-day

Adventist, Pfandl, evangelical, QOD



Vol. 8, #1, January 2004

David Lin, Revelation 17, Revelation 13:1, eighth head, earth beast, the dragon, "ten horns", Daniel 7:7, Daniel 7:24, Daniel 8:3, little horn, four winds, literal, pagan Rome, Great Controversy, 439, Revelation 13:12, a beast, USA, image, Great Controversy, 445, Great Controversy, 443, enforcing, Revelation 13:11, United Nations, 605 BC, Babylon, Daniel 11:24, 330 AD, 496 AD, 533 AD, 1449 AD, 1798, wilderness, Revelation 12:6, 1260, Dark Ages, Revelation 17:6, 1776, United States, one hour, one head, ten kings, dragon, lamb-like, great authority, Justinian, three-fold, threefold, false prophet, confederacy, sequence, Armageddon, repudiate, present truth, Malachi 4:5, dreadful, warning, church and state, process, universal, churchcraft, statecraft, one mind, persecute, iron and clay, ascend, bottomless pit




Vol. 8, #2, February 2004

Three woes, Moslems, Uriah Smith, pioneers, 1840, United Nations, Vatican, New World Order, world bank, crisis, America, Rome, allegiance, loyalty, vow, wall of separation, present truth, extremists, books of a new order, victory, new truth, Laodicean, tradition, volume 9, 11


February Supplement 2004

Hate crimes, temporal prosperity, loyalty, evangelical, conscience, wall of separation, national ruin, vouchers, faith-based, Protestantism, Protestants, dragon, United Nations, arouse, spiritual, history and prophecy, prophecies, the future, be repeated, increase of knowledge, Revelation 10, 1843, waymarks, messages, foundation, Seventh-day Adventists


Vol. 8, #3, March 2004

Our message, mad cow, new principles, United Nations, wall of national sovereignty, king of the north, spiritual, signs of the times, future, war, Maranatha, 74, Islamic, terrorism, Moslem, Revelation 9:5, trumpet, present truth, waymarks, symbolic, national ruin, process, time of the end, history will be repeated, Testimonies to Ministers, 112

 No Vol. 8, #4


Vol. 8, #5, April 2004

Revelation 9:1, bottomless pit, Islam, Revelation 11:7, atheism, Revelation 20:1, dragon, Revelation 17:8, Catholicism, context, ascends, Revelation 13:3, foundations, coming events, prophecy, King James Version, prophecies, John Paul, 1Thessalonians 5:3, Christian Coalition, out of the cities, ceremonies, volume 9, 13, world court, war, fourth angel, Revelation 16:8, eleventh, volume 9, 14, peace and safety, image


Vol. 8, #6, May 2004

Omega, "time of the end", 1798, three-fold, geography, atheism, king of the south, theory, 2 Pet. 1:20, glorious land, Seventh-day Adventist, literal, covenant, Sunday law, probation, present truth, the future, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, delusion, increase of knowledge, wise, United States, event, Islam, Amos 3:7, last six verses, warning, peace and safety, crisis, USA, pioneers, volume 5, 82, loud cry, latter rain, new light, Revelation 14, character, preparation, decree, volume 5, 214, volume 1, 619, seal of God, mark of the beast, Maranatha, 164, sequence, blindness, Philippines, Vietnam, national ruin, Maranatha, 216, Adventist Health, Los Angeles, Battle Creek, volume 7, 53, sanitariums, volume 7, 88, victory, cities, orchards, Daniel 11:41, liberty


Vol. 8, #7, June 2004

Pioneers, aftersuppositions, foundation, fifty years, literal, re-applying, reapply, feast days, godhead, sacred name, King James Version, vouchers, ecumenism, John Paul, evangelicals, Protestants, Virgin Mary, Neuhaus, allegiance, Great Controversy, 50, liberty, conscience, tradition, enforcement, Great Controversy, 448, Communism, persecution, Great Controversy, 580, eugenics, labor unions, trades unions, terrorism, ACLU, cities, Last Day Events, 116, time of trouble, stem-cells, chimeras, hate crimes, Revelation 13:16, Homeland Security, terrorist, volume 9, 13, Constitution, volume 5, 451, Great Controversy, 592, "daughters", second beast, new light


Vol. 8, #8, July 2004 (missing?)


Vol. 8, #9, August 2004

International Court, terrorists, United Nations, wall of national sovereignty, John Paul, progressive, unfolding, faith-based, conscience, United States, Great Controversy, 581, church-state, church and state, William Miller, signs of the times, literal, 508, 1843, peace and safety, events, crisis, probation, Desire of Ages, 636, HIV/AIDS, Education, 179, 1 Corinthians 6:19, mad cow, USDA


Vol. 8, #9 (mis-numbered?), September 2004

United Nations, dragon, Protestant, Muslims, Patriarchs and Prophets, 174, Genesis 16:12, William Miller, Ezekiel


Vol. 8, #11, October 2004

Christian Coalition, National Reformers, volume 5, 214, third angel's message, events, present truth, Great Controversy, 588, covenant, Isaiah 24:4, antichrist, Sunday law, Protestants, Genesis 16:12, Islam, jihad, third woe, Muslims, Ottoman, bin Laden, United States, wall of separation, Revelation 17:16, little horn, ten toes, Vatican, United Nations, Federal Reserve, sealing, Testimonies to Ministers, 445, future, Desire of Ages, 636, ecumenical, John Paul, Great Controversy, 589, Great Controversy, 581, Pioneers, Zephaniah 1:14-18, cheese


Vol. 8, #12, November 2004

Television, Christendom, atheism, pioneers, progressive, Great Controversy, 389, decree, Protestantism, Great Controversy, 615, Revelation 18:3, Revelation 17:13, conscience, dragon, sovereignty, Iran, nuclear, Daniel 11:40-45, walls, USSR, United Nations, John Paul, Ronal Reagan, communism, Ukraine, ecumenism, religious liberty, A.T. Jones, Babylon, Jeremiah 6:16, Islam, Muslim, terrorist, Genesis 16:12, globalization, peace and safety


Vol. 8, #13, December 2004

1842, Deuteronomy 12:8-12, glorious land, United Nations, map, ten toes, Daniel 12:4, Great Controversy, 355, Daniel 2:44, testimony of two, established, triple application, pagan Rome, two phases, Medes, churchcraft, clay, 4BC 1168, church and state, dragon, beast, false prophet, Modern Rome, ten kings, Revelation 17:12, conscience, religious liberty, confederacy, pioneers, earth-beast, primary, secondary, Great Controversy, 438, 1260, reverse order, wilderness, United States, Nimrod, Pergamos, Revelation 2:13, 508, Ronald Reagan, Sunday law, third woe, alas, Revelation 18:10, 476, 1449, Ottoman, 1798, day of the Lord, radical Islam, William Miller, 666, 158 BC, faith-based, enforcing, Revelation 12:17, Great Controversy, 592, Fourth Angel, mirror


Vol. 9, #1, January 2005

Sabbath School Quarterly, Dan. 11:40-45, Eucharist, ecumenism, 1335, climate change, global warming, elements, visitations, Isa. 24:4, miracles, 1T 302, tsunami, tower of Babel, PP 119, mystery of iniquity, Rev. 18:1-8, Protestants, GC 571, Holy See, Vatican, United States, full unity, Muslim, Islam, Protestant Reformation, liberty, revolution, faith-based, arouse, PK 277, flood, earthquake, mudslide, tornado, worship, Rev. 7:9, 24 elders, 4 beasts


Vol. 9, #2, February 2005

Elder Pfandl's critique of "The Time of the End" magazine and Jeff's response, part 1. Dan. 11:40-45, king of the north, king of the south, Russia, atheistic communism, atheism, Ulai, Hiddekel, Soviet Union, 1989, glorious land, Edom, Moab, Ammon, loud cry, Libya, Ethiopia, glorious holy mountain, 1798, Turkey, "push", investigative judgment, Pagan Rome, geographical, geography, literal, spiritual, antichrist, Reagan, rejection, blindness, warning, prophetic signs, Christian Coalition, Adventism, Sunday law, Laodicea, chariots, ships, Constitution, Republicanism and Protestantism, national ruin, alliance, vision, "daily", 31BC, 330, U. Smith, time appointed, 1260, 538, persecution, purification, France, deadly wound, probation, Michael, Isa. 29, learned, increase of knowledge, Hosea, pioneers, three-fold, fourth angel, 1 Cor. 10:11, landmarks, waymarks, events, Miller's Rules listed, histories, confederacy, Nehemiah, Numbers 22, Balaam, Elijah, Malachi, opinions, theories


Vol. 9, #3, March 2005

Elder Pfandl's critique of "The Time of the End" magazine and Jeff's response, part 2. Persecution, 1840, Sunday law, sprinkling, 5T 214, glorious land, eleventh of Daniel, complete, 13MR 394, Dan. 12:1-4, pioneers, last six verses, repeated, "daily", Conradi, dragon, Dan. 11:30-36, Chittim, 476, 330, Trumpet, 360, 1449, 321, national ruin, Vandals, 538, indignation, covenant, intelligence, papacy, throne, robbers, 496, 508, Clovis, 31BC, geographical, pleasant land, stronghold, sanctuary, paganism, Goths, Justinian, alliance, 1798, host, 1260, 533, exalt, speak, Dark Ages, glorious holy mountain, abomination, set up, 1290, 1335, 1843, blessed, fourth angel, Nehemiah, latter rain, loud cry, Rev. 18, 391-15, Ottoman Turks, ten virgins, 1840, denominated, Millerite, increase of knowledge, wise, purification, Most Holy, dispensation, Nimrod, Pergamos, Pantheon, Pagan Rome, continual, history, mystery of iniquity, United States, 1776, antichrist, thirty years, preparation, literal, scenes, similar, Sabbath School Quarterly, "take away", Mass, tamid, "sur", "ruwm", lifted up, events, grieved, false prophet, ambassador, Vatican, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, Constitution, 1989, Egypt, persecution, learned, foundations


Vol. 9, #4 April 2005

Gardening article, A.T. Jones R&H article on formalism, Mt. 21:43, Jer. 8, globalist, United Nations, John Paul II, Sunday, Eucharist, Benedict


Vol. 9, #5 May 2005

2 sermons on righteousness by A.T. Jones. United Nations, sovereignty, global, Constitution, Congress, Ratzinger, Benedict, evangelicals, political, politics, Founders, secular humanism, evolution, Rev. 13:11, GC443, Islam, Koran, terrorism, Islamic radicals, suicide, educate, moderate Muslims, Gen. 16:11


Vol. 9, #6 June 2005

3 sermons on righteousness by A.T. Jones. ID card, police state, terrorists, habeas corpus, immigrants, security, Britain, Scotland, United Nations, Congress, Germany, Catholic, Mary, education, radical Islam, crusade


Vol. 9, #7 July 2005

Meetings, Pfandl, "daily", Isa. 29, learned, glorious land, communism, Soviet Union, circumstances, Conradi, Daniells, qualification, pioneers, EW74, confusion, alpha, Adventism, reprint, recount, 1SM 157, 1SM 161, after suppositions, rob, past, GW 306, 1901, foundation, fifty years, forget, LDE 196, Ariel, 3SM338, Seventh-day Adventist, Jerusalem, Isa. 2:1-3, blindness, sealing, 3T 265, wise, 2SM 105, EV 195, repeated, 9MR 7, seals, sealed, knowledge, Hos. 4:6, drunken, present truth, boastful, BCL 123, fables, ST Nov. 3, 1898, message, freedom, Quarterly, Eze. 8, Eze. 9, false teachers, TM 55, 20MR 22, delusion, probation, Bible, prophecy, test, crisis, shaking, John W. Peters, DARCOM, Dan. 8:14, Quodesh, Kodesh, miqdash, mikdash, sadaq, sanctuary, paganism, Miller, 2300, 457, 2500 A.D., 70 weeks, self-exaltation, mystery of iniquity, Dan. 12:11, Clovis, 508 B.C., Antiochus, Maxwell, God Cares, Protestant, arouse, CWE 40, antichrist, 7BC 949, robbers, Dan. 10:14, Dan. 11:14, woe, Alas, triple, trumprts, Rev. 18:10, 476, 1449, 1798, day of the Lord, radical Islam, Judas, SpM 14, sanctification, mark of the beast, 7BC 980, Trinity, Ev. 615, Benedict, Anglican gay priests, Mary, ecumenism, Rosary


Vol. 9, #8 August 2005

London, Germany, Romania, Pfandl, Quarterly, "daily", paganism, Daniells, gold, chaff, 5T 81, denominated, 8MR 426, repeating, 3SM 339, United Nations, Islamic terrorists, terrorism, Sharia, ACLU, Al Qaeda, 9/11, bin Laden, Benedict, Protestantism


Vol. 9, #9 September 2005

Benedict, ecumenical, Luther, GC 134, infallible, GC 564, Protestant, image, GC 445, lamblike, Rev. 13:3, John Paul II, threefold, 5T 451, Muslims, alliance, compromise, paganism, GC 51, United Nations, R2P, third wall, speak, confederacy, persecution, 7BC 975, Gaza, Eucharist, unity, NCC, "green", environmental, theocracy, United States in prophecy, Rev. 13, 1798, 1776, mark, Sabbath, two-horned, dragon, Church and State, union, republicanism, SDAs, spiritualism, Constitution, National Reform, Congress, Isa. 29:8-10, Sunday, conscience


Vol. 9, #10 October 2005

Disasters, travel problems, 9T 13, London, Germany, Conradi, Protestant, "daily", 1901, 5T 214, perfection, meeting, Christian Coalition, Congress, National Reform Movement, present truth, Constitution, 5T 711-720, awake, amendment, four winds, decree, close of probation. United States, Sunday law, event, judgments, country living, Benedict, Vatican, Israel, ICC, nuclear, Islamics, GC 592, Jesus, prophecy, AA 535


Vol. 9, #11 November 2005

Messages, TM 31, Pfandl, John Peters, "daily", paganism, Miller, Conradi, 1901, Protestant, Dan. 11:40-45, Turkey, Dan. 11:30-32, glorious land, United States, 321, Constantine, 330, little horn, tamid, 508, present truth, debate, critique, Dan. 12:1, close of probation, Michael, time of trouble, revealed, GC 594, events, rule of prophecy, "learned", "straw man", foundations, Adventism, Reformation, repeated, landmarks, after suppositions, CWE 26-32, pioneers, forget, 1SM157, PM 175, CWE 145, sacred, pillars, 2SM 390, fifty years, waymarks, 1SM 52, quarter, Sabbath School Lessons, expelled, EW 74, Dan. 8:14, Daniells, 20MR 17-22, time of the end, Dan. 12:4, aroused, warning, 5T 715, watchmen, Dan. 11:31, 538, 1260, 1798, GC 356, established, 1989, Soviet Union, conscience, Mar. 193, Rev. 13:2, GC 578, platform, 1SG 168


Vol. 9, #12 December 2005

Warning, past history, 6T 364, Pfandl, "daily", pioneers, Dan. 11:30-36, U. Smith, 1260, time of the end, 1798,  time of trouble, 13MR 394, restrain, delusion, 2 Thess. 2, close of probation, Dan. 11:40-45, events, Chittim, covenant, intelligence, desolation, paganism, Clovis, 508, 533, D&R 280-289, pioneers, confusion, 1843 pioneer chart, EW 74, no new message, glorious land, Hiram Edson, 496, dragon, seat, power, authority, pagan Rome, GC 438, GC 439, GC 55, king of the south, Egypt, 330, 360, seven trumpets, Islam, Catholicism, 476, 1453, Rev. 10, Millerites, Western Rome, Eastern Rome, foundational, foundations, "take away", 1290, 1335, two desolating powers, Pantheon, self-exaltation, truth, minority, TDG 319, 4SOP 214, blessing, blessed, 21MR 437, Rev. 19:9, debate, pillar, pin, 1MR 58-61, Conradi, 1901, Daniells, "new view", close of probation, GC 594, events, landmarks, CH 460, Jer. 6:16, 1 Cor. 3:11, present truth, GW 306-307


Vol. 9, #13 December 2005 Supplement

New light, TDG 314, Pfandl, Time of the End magazine, Bible prophecy, Dan. 11:40-45, present truth, Isa. 29, learned, false science, unbelief, drunken, upside down, BCL 123, 3SM 338, "daily", sealed, increase of knowledge, 2SM 105-106, Hos. 4:6, last vision, Miller, shepherds, Adventism, woe, prophets, Eze. 13:1-16, message, peace and safety, Sunday law, United States, victory, walls, overflowing scourge, TM 381-384, old paths, warnings, debate, scatter, pastors, Jer. 6:16-17, Eze. 34:1-10, Zech. 10:1-3, issue, Amos 3:7, Bible, Rule XIV, health reform, eating, medical missionary work, teachers of theology, DA 101


Vol. 10, #1 January 2006

Gen. 16:11, France, 3rd woe, Muslim, Europe, Sunday law, GC 590, Ten Commandments, Congress, GC 592, unionize, labor unions, 7T 84, wise, moral education, country living, AH 137, Millerite time, repeated to the very letter, GC 393, fourth angel, FLB 335, cleansed the temple, purification, Kress Collection, 114, SpT-A 54-56, ten virgins, Adventism, Rev. 10, 1840, Rev. 9:15, empower, "little book", 1842, seven thunders, delineation, events, SDABC 971, Damsteegt, 1449, D&R 508, 150, fifth Trumpet, Ottoman, 1299, GC 335, pioneer, peg or pin, CWE 26, location, messages, established, theories, EV 199, 1843, EW 74, foundations of Adventism, literal, "daily", Marion Berry, little horn, Antiochus, antichrist, Bacchiocchi, Islam, 7BC 949, Protestants, supremacy, GC 580, eleventh, 9T 14, spirit of war, history is repeating, denominated, waymark, 3Sm 339, Mary, National Reformers, 5T 714, overflowing scourge, EW 36, progressive, door, shut, 16MR 270, messages, SR 385, visitation, 5T 81, Dan. 10:14, 9MR 365, Catalog


Vol. 10, #2 February 2006

Seal of God, 5T 214, close of probation, visitation, mark, Eze. 8-9, time of trouble, latter rain, victory, hopeless, faith, trial, awake, preparation, 5T 207-216, Testimonies, Holy Spirit, 144,000 , polish, IHP 267, mareh, chazown, vision, snapshot, "daily", paganism, 2300, 1844, 34 AD, robbers, papal Rome, delusion, establish, Ottoman, Seventh Trumpet, Rev. 7,8,9, Josiah Litch, 1840, GC 334, Turkey, 4SOP 222, empowered, Laodicea, 13MR 134, Rev. 9:15, Rev. 10, "little book", seven thunders, delineation, events, messages, 19MR 319-321, Millerite, future, 144,000 , 1842, Adventism, Rev. 10:11, midnight cry, loud cry, United States, Rev. 18:1, seal up, sacred, history, probation, Michael, Dan. 12:1, Rev. 22:11, unsealed, ten virgins, increase of knowledge, wise, alpha, omega, prophecies, foundations, now, unfolding, Eccl. 1:9


Vol. 10, #3 March 2006

Islam, pioneer, second woe, Rev. 10, Rev. 9:14, 1840, 4th. Angel, prophetic history, number four, symbols, new light, catalyst, Ottoman, Dan. 11:1-2, U. Smith, D&R 248, Medo-Persia, Dan. 7:6, Dan. 8:8, Alexander, little horn, pagan Rome, Dan. 8:21, Dan. 11:3-4, Greeks, testimony of two, robbers, Dan. 11:14, king of the south, Egypt, Antiochus, vision, Prov. 29:18, Hab. 2:1-5, appointed time, present truth, arouse, asleep, wise, theories, repetition, 5T 707, trumpets, 330, pioneers, Dan. 11:24, 360, D&R 273, 31BC, Dan. 8:11, Rev. 9:15, 1449, voluntary, 1453, D&R 508, 1299, Soviet Union, whirlwind, Sunday law, national ruin, 1840, three-fold, Rev. 16:19, city, Rev. 11:8,  Rev. 11:13, Babylon, Jerusalem, beast, dragon, false prophet, United Nations, Rev. 12:9, GC 439, TM 38, Adventism, alliance, Constitution, 5T 451, spiritualism, globalists, new age, sealed, latter rain, preparation, 5T 214, Rev. 7:1, foundations, fanaticism, GC 400, Bible, voices, Ed. 127


Vol. 10, #4 April 2006

Trumpets, Millerite, repetition, 144,000 , Bible, two steps, second angel, EW 245, two messages, midnight cry, reform, warned, awakened, prepare, Bridegroom, EW 237, EW 238,  1840, 1844, shut door, ten virgins, Most Holy Place, Philadelphia, Rev. 3:7, 1SM 63, line upon line, Isa. 28:9-13, Revelation, prophecies, 8MR 413, repetition, Holy Spirit, 1SM 47, fanaticism, GC 400, United States, GC 389, world-wide, GC 611, Scriptures combined, 6T 167, Adventism, GC 393, very letter, wise, 1842, 1T 21, tarrying time, chart, Habakkuk, Eze. 12:21, GC 392, seven thunders, Rev. 10:4, delineation, events, 7BC 971, future, "in their order", Dan. 12, 6MR 108, first angel, TM 115, repeat, sequence, beginning, alpha, Isa. 44:6, Isa. 45:21, Isa. 46:9-10, Rev. 1:19, purification, process, COL 413, lot, TDG 84, EW 259, progressive, GC 426, cleansing, 2SM 118, loud cry, three steps,  unsealed, prophecies, "increase of knowledge", 2SM 106, Sunday law, "end of the world", little book, Rev. 10:1-6, empower, message, "cause and effect", Bible, traditions, SpM 58, present truth, history, lion, time, second woe, Ottoman, repeated, Rev. 9:15, delay, Rev. 18, 16MR 269, combined, 1888 Materials, 804, 7BC 949, watchmen, 9T 19, Josiah Litch, GC 334, Dan. 8:14, 19MR 134, 1T 14, test, new light, GC 398, movement, GC 400, Rev. 10:6-7, Hos. 4:6, awakening, close of probation, Soviet Union, United States, latter rain, 1989, "message of the hour", visitation, 9T 97, sealed up, Rev. 22:10, wicked, 10MR 317, PK 547


Vol. 10, #5 May 2006

"daily", vision, snapshot, Dan. 8:11, sanctuary, "the mass", Bacchiocchi, 31AD, 2300, 2331,pioneer, 457BC, pagan Rome, ruwm, "take away", sur, exalt, Dan.11:36, Dan. 12:7, false, place, paganism, EW 74, Pantheon, 330, Dan. 5:20, Dan. 11:12, miqdash, qodesh, John Peters, little horn, host, Clovis, 496, 508, AD 70, Prince, Deut. 28:45-53, curse, iron, Dan. 9:26, flood, Dark Ages, desolations, AD66, 1260, Rev. 12:13, Rev. 11:2-3, indignation, Lev. 26:14-28, covenant, 2520, "seven times", 1843 chart, mene, tekel, upharsin, literal, 723, 1798, 538, Judah, self-exaltation, 677, Strong's, mareh, chazown, "seven last plagues", mark, EW 64, Reagan, Sunday, 5T 452, persecution, GC 566, WCC, backsliding, ST 2-19-84, Muslim, Gen. 16:12, United Nations, Ottoman, 1840, Litch, 1299, 1449, 1453, 391.15, 150, Rev. 9:15


Vol. 10, #6 June 2006

Islam, Gen. 16:11, 1840, trumpet, D&R 538, shaking, GW 158, watchman, awake, messages, Babylon, 5T 716, present truth, Seventh-day Adventists, 9T 20, EV 144, prophecies, EV 197, Eze. 9,  "Peace and safety", 5T 212, Eze. 6:1-14, Eze. 6:1-16, Catalog


Vol. 10, #7 July 2006

London, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, California, Canada, 1843 chart, EW 74, 2520, 2,520, "old paths", mene, tekel, upharsin, Jer. 6:16, rob, false science, foundations, GW 306, shaking, message, Lev. 26, repeat, purification, process, Adventism, scattering, paganism, covenant, 46 years, Jn. 2:13-22, temple, cleansed, midnight cry, 1842, second angel, fourth angel, 2SM 118, 1844, loud cry, third angel, Rev. 18:4, Malachi, measure, Rev. 11:1, Karaite, wise, tests, crisis, 5T 463, America, diversity, immigrants, Mexifornia, Protestantism, Alliance, Catholic, Vatican, Marx, persecution, Rome, GC 581, feminine, masculine, ruwm, sur, glorious land, Dan. 11:41, "daily", John Peters, pioneer, messengers, LP 86, 1840, seven trumpets, Islam, Millerite time, sounding, Lion, Judah, unseal, churches, seals, 144,000 , empowerment, Foss, Foy, prophet


Vol. 10, #8 August 2006

King Arthur, D&R 284, paganism, Miller's Rules, foundation, 1SM 206, EGW in vision, errors, TDG 126, Litch, "daily", "God's helping hand", EW 74, tamiyd, noun, spiritualism, 2520, indignation, curse, 723, 1260, 1798, Lk. 21:24, scattering, gentiles, little horn, masculine, feminine, Dan. 11:9, "take away", ruwm, rum, sur, suwr, 508, Pantheon, miqdash, qodesh, 31BC, 330, 360, Egypt, "place", 533, church and state, "transgression of desolation", chazown, mareh, snapshot, Most Holy Place, GC 426, 2300, 538, Clovis, 496, pioneer, "new view", 1290, 1335, Dan. 11:9, Dan. 11:10, Dan. 11:11, Dan. 11:12, Dan. 8:14, Malachi, GC 426, Dan. 11:31, Dan. 12:11-12, Philadelphia, 1 Cor. 14:32, 677, false, 3rd woe, established, platform, foundation, darkness, false, EW 259, Millerite, purification, process, remnant, dispensation, Most Holy, judgment, focus of worship, Protestant, Miller's Rules, GC 320, Bible, sixth, seals, stars, Joel 2:28-3:21, Mt. 24:29, Rev. 6:12, 1833, trumpets, 321, 144,000 , repeat, enlarge, line upon line, Eccl. 1:9-10, 1 Cor. 10:11, aftersuppositions, pillar, CWE 32, foolish, Adventism, Lk. 24:25, 2 Pet. 3:1-7, prophecies, present truth, Isa. 28:9-16, scornful, refreshing, latter rain, Sunday law, wise, mark, landmark, forget, Acts 13:40-41, repetition, history, Seventh-day Adventists


Vol. 10, #9 September 2006

 Germany, new light, present truth, labor unions, trades unions, CL 10, Islamists, woe, D&R 538, liberty, Rev. 13:16, pioneers, parallel, reformation, prophecies, GC 344, Rev. 14, winds, dragon, latter rain, future, 144,000 , lamb-like, horns, 1260, 1798, Zeph. 2:2, decree, image, line upon line, Babylon, warning, visitation


Vol. 10, #10 October 2006

360, pagan Rome, Actium, 31 BC, 168, trumpets, Rev. 8, Rev. 9:15, 1842, sixth, 330, Millerites, foundation, Adventism, 476, 496, 508, 533, 538, 1299, 1449, 1798, 1840, 1843, 1844, 144,000 , latter rain, close of probation, Sunday law, test, repeated, seven last plagues, pioneer, Rev. 10, disappointment, future events, order, councils, 5T 716, vision, Prov. 29:18, 1 SM 48, Pfandl, BRI, Ellen White, 2005 GC, principle, 1 SM 41, 1 SM 45, the Testimonies, 3 SM 32, 5T 691, Canright, 3 SM 83, messages, line upon line, 3SM 358, 3 SM 360, 2T 93, 4T 210, partnership, 4T 229, 5T 98, 5T 671, 5T 691, 8T 97, 8T 235, 8T 298, TM 34, 3SM 31, last deception, 1 SM 48, third Angel, Rev. 14:9-11, 1260, false prophet, Rev. 19:20, Litch, two-horned, waters, Rev. 17:15, seat, lamb-like, little horn, Republicanism, spirits, necromancy, image, speak, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Rev. 13:15, decree, Zeph. 2:2, mark, Dan. 12:1, four angels, Rev. 15:5, 2300, second death, patience of the saints, Rev. 12:17, Rev. 22:14, ten commandments, Mt. 10:17, Rom. 3:31, 1 Jn. 10:3, time of trouble, two classes, first day, Martin Luther, Protestantism, exalt, 2 Thess. 2:4, Dan. 7:25, counterfeit, "mystery of iniquity", 321,  Constantine, "mark of the beast", number "4", Alaric, Goth, Genseric, Vandal, Attila, Odoacer, Heruli, Theodoric, Woe, Moslem, Ottoman, atheism, 1917, 1989, Rev. 18, fourth angel, Russia, Babylon, United Nations, four winds, king of the south, United States, three-fold, Rev. 11, France, two witnesses, pattern, literal, geographical, Egypt, USSR, futurism, spiritual, 70 AD, Pantheon, paganism, 1843 chart, original faith


Vol. 10, #11, November 2006

 Belshazzar, confederacy, crisis, persecution, Protestant Reformation, Catholic, "mystery of iniquity", advanced light, Vatican, justification, Lutheran, ecumenical, Sunday law, probation, national ruin, disaster, cities, Isa. 24:4, GC 589, nuclear, war will rage, Mar. 174, Jihad, nations are angry, 9T 26, judgments, Muslims, 9/11, AH 136, AH 139, woes, bottomless pit, Islam, Rev. 9:2, Wahhabism, radical, Qur'an, "Three Woes", Rev. 8:13, Long War, King of the North, Mohammad, Crusades, 1798, atheism, King of the South, Dan. 11:40, 627 AD, 1299, 1449, Ottoman, Turks, Rev. 9:5, five months, Rev. 9:15, Protestant Reformation, 391.15, 1840 , 1917, Communism, USSR, 1989, whirlwind, Dan. 11:40, America, "glorious land", Rev. 13, dragon, Sunday Law, Egypt, Dan. 11:42, Christendom, Jn. 11:50, decree, GC 615, religious liberty, terrorists, explosive, Ishmael, Gen. 16:12, Dan. 11:43, United Nations, Rev. 17:12, Dan. 11:44, Rev. 17:15, Euphrates, Rev. 16:12, Dan. 11:45, holy mountain, wall of separation, church and state, Constitution, church-state, First Amendment, freedom, republican, Roman Catholic, Christian Right, National Reformers, evangelical, Congress, temporal prosperity, GC 445, GC 590, GC 592, threefold, 5T 451, EW 74, Habakkuk, original faith, Muslims, bombs, Rev. 13:13, Number 4, Dan. 5:25, Mene, 360, 330, Alaric, Goth, Vandal, Genseric, Attila, Odoacer, Heruli, Trumpets, 538 AD, Russia, Rev. 18, Modern Babylon, witness


Vol. 10, #12, December 2006

Conscience, confederacy, Rev. 13:11, persecution, Sunday laws, personate, Desmond Ford, robbers, Dan. 11:14, Antiochus, United Nations, third wall, sovereignty, Islam, Quran,  Koran, D&R 538, U. Smith, Seventh-day Adventists, Trumpets, pioneer, 476, 1449, 1798, 3rd woe, Modern Rome, dragon, beast, false prophet, probation, empower, Jon Paulien, Muslim, Rev. 17:12, "one hour", Isa. 28:10, Rev. 13, persecutes, Babylon, latter rain, Rev. 18:9-10, parallel, Rev. 18:17, Rev. 18:19, antichrist, mark of the beast, Rev. 3:10, test, vineyard, eleventh hour, 1888 Materials, 711, 2 SM 15, judgment of the living, disfellowshiping, loud cry, 144,000 , alas, landmarks, sealed, apostasy, aftersuppositions, fifty years, CWE 32, pillars, foundation



Vol. 11, #1, January 2007




