~ Islam's Long War & Earth: Theater of the Universe ~
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1. ------------------- Slide Shows: Islam's Long War, and Earth: Theater of the Universe
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3. ----------------- Bible Symbols and Numbers
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5. ------------------ Moon Proves Noah's Flood
6. ----------------- Conditions in the Pre-Flood World
7. ----------------- The Bible, The Holy Spirit, and Satan, Intro.
8. ----------------- The Firm: The Universe!
9. ----------------- The Five Main Players in the Book of Revelation
10. ----------------- The 12 Tribes of Israel Today
11. ----------------- Hebrews Outline
12. ----------------- The Prophetic Experience of Job
13. ----------------- Wm. Miller's Rules of Bible Interpretation
14. ----------------- 200 Sabbaths in Acts
15. ---------------- What's the Source of Bible Prophecies?
16. ---------------- The Big Picture of Prophecy!
17. --------------- The USA in Bible Prophecy!
18. ----------------- Why the KJV Only? by Bud Alavezos
19. ---------------- The Seven Bible Tests of a True Prophet
20. ---------------- THE TIME PROPHETS CHART
21. ---------------- Time Prophets of the Bible & Now
22. -------------- Prophetic Time Lines
23. ---------------- THE PATTERN OF CHRIST CHART
24. ---------------- The Pattern of Christ Study
25. --------------- When Jesus Almost Came!
26. ----------------- The Prophetic Pattern of Great Reformatory Movements of Bible History
27. ----------------- Rome Conquers the World in 3 Steps 3 Times
28. ----------------- ROME CONQUERS IN 3's CHART
29. ----------------- THE MODERN BABYLON IN 3 PARTS CHART
30. ----------------- 666, Rev. 17, The Kingdoms of Bible Prophecy
31. ---------------- The Structure of the Aramaic Chapters in Daniel +3 Final Tests
32. ----------------- Daniel 7 and the 1260 years
33. ----------------- Daniel 8 and the Little Horn
34. ----------------- Dan. 9:24-27 Explained in Chs. 10-11-12
35. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Dennis Hokama
36. -------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. FC Gilbert
37. ---------------- Daniel's "daily" by Eld. David Lin
38. ----------------- Daniel's "daily" by Bud Alavezos
39. ----------------- Mystery of "the daily" by John W. Peters
40. --------------- Compilation of SDA Pioneer Writings on "the daily" 58p.
41. ----------------- "The Daily" in the SDA Bible Commentary on Dan. 8 & 11
42. ----------------- The 3 + 1 Pattern of the Purification of God's Church & the Unsealing of Daniel
43. --------------- 1957 Prophecy Fulfilled in 1989
44. ----------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 CHART
45. ---------------- Dan. 11:40 - 12:1 Josiah to Cyrus CHART
46. ----------------- Dan. 11:40-45 Introduction
47. ----------------- Dan. 11 for Dummies!
48. ---------------- SDA Theologians Reject Pioneers & 1843 Chart
49. ---------------- 1843 & 1850 Charts Handout
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51. ----------------- The Seven Churches Chart
52. ----------------- EGW on the 7 Churches and 7 Seals
53. ----------------- 7 Trumpets
54. ----------------- MIRROR TRUMPETS CHART
55. ----------------- Miller's Dream & Notes
57. ----------------- Millerite Time Repeating Now (26 pgs)
58. ----------------- The 7 Thunders are the 7 Time Prophecies between 1798 and 1844
59. ----------------- MILLERITE TIME 7 THUNDERS CHART
60. ----------------- Millerite 7 Thunders Chronology
61. ----------------- 7 Thunders by Bud Alavezos
62. ---------------- SS Snow's Midnight Cry Sermon
63. ----------------- Reply to Gene Brown's Turkey
64. ----------------- The Temple Measuring book
65. ----------------- The Two 2520-Year Prophecies, or The "7 Times"
66. ----------------- Leviticus and the "Seven Times"
67. ----------------- 2520: Nebuchadnezzar & Belshazzar
68. ----------------- The 2520 "Scattering" & Times of the Gentiles by Hiram Edson
69. ----------------- The 2520 "Mirror"
70. ----------------- 2520 Facts!
71. ----------------- 2520 Critiques & Defenses
72. ----------------- 2520 & 2300 Extreme Analysis
73. -------------- Christ's Days in the Holy Place
74. ------------- The 3 Powers from the Bottomless Pit
75. ----------------- The Number 4 in Bible Prophecy
76. ----------------- Isa Loves Muslims!
77. ----------------- Islam's Long War & etc.
78. ----------------- Islam's three WOES
79. ----------------- Islam's "East Wind"
80. ----------------- 9/11 in the Bible & E.G. White
81. ---------------- East, North and 3 Constantines
82. ----------------- Renewal of the Covenant Chart
83. ----------------- 490 Years = Probationary Time
84. ----------------- Feast Days?
85. ----------------- Conspiracy Theories?
86. ----------------- Jeff Pippenger on the Trinity
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88. ----------------- 60 Present Truth Quiz Questions & Answers
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90. --------------- President Trump in Prophecy
91. ----------------- Time of the End magazine (52p.)
92. ----------------- The Final Rise and Fall of the King of the North. (126p.)
93. ----------------- 4 Generations of Adventism
94. ----------------- Our Royal Rights as Gods Children
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97. --------------- Present Truth Observations from Ezekiel
98. ------------------- Present Truth Keyword Database 1995-2006
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101. ----------------- 2010 Prophetic Chain, Jefferson Tx, Germany
102. --------------- 2012 Habakkuk's Two Tables
103. --------------- 2013 Adventism's Visitation mini notes
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105. --------------- 2015 Class & Campmeeting Notes
106. --------------- 2017 Judgment of the Living Class Notes
107. --------------- The Judgment of the Living and 9/11
108. --------------- 'Country Living' by E.G. White
109. --------------- Country Living in the 1890's
110. -------------- Country Living Group Fail Story
111. ---------------- Country Living Now!
112. ---------------- Escape from the Cities Testimonies!
113. ---------------- The Cycle of Bondage
114. ---------------- "Anyway"
Earth: Theater of the Universe narrated by George Vandeman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ9Ev3kjFGw __________ Islam's Long War video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UksImKJVVI&t=191s
Islams Long War Slide Show |
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